Oxythol 50Mg Tablet

Product Name: Oxythol 50Mg Tablet
Manufacturer: Shree Venkatesh
Salt Name: Oxymetholone
Presentation: Tablet
Strength: 50mg

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Oxythol 50Mg Tablet: Uses, Side Effects & Dosage – Complete Guide


Oxythol 50Mg, also known as Oxymetholone, is a synthetic male hormone primarily prescribed to combat anemia. Marketed under the brand name Oxythol, each tablet contains 50mg of Oxymetholone.

Oxythol 50Mg serves as an anabolic steroid specifically intended to address various types of anemia, including acquired aplastic anemia, congenital aplastic anemia, myelofibrosis, and hypoplastic anemias.

Common Side Effects:
Some typical side effects of this tablet encompass mood swings, lethargy, headaches, swelling, rapid weight gain, priapism, skin tone changes, urinary issues, nausea, vomiting, stomach discomfort (when taken on an empty stomach), appetite loss, jaundice, breast enlargement in men, restlessness, or insomnia.

Similar to testosterone, this tablet enhances muscle mass and strength but is more potent. It is available in oral form as tablets or capsules. The standard dosage ranges between 50-100 mg per day for a duration of 4 to 6 weeks. For further information, click here.

For more information consult with your healthcare professional.

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