Cidofovir Injection

Brand Name: Cidnavir
Salt Name: Cidofovir
Manufacturer: Emcure
Presentation: Injection
Strength: 75 Mg/Ml

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What is Cidofovir Injection?

Cidofovir Injection is a potent antiviral medication renowned for its efficacy against a spectrum of viral infections. Formulated as a nucleotide analogue, it exerts its therapeutic effects by inhibiting viral DNA synthesis, thereby thwarting viral replication.

What is the use of Cidofovir Injection?

Cidnvir Injection is strategically employed to combat various viral infections, including:

  1. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Retinitis: A sight-threatening infection affecting individuals with compromised immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDS.
  2. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infections: Addresses stubborn HPV infections, including those causing genital warts and certain precancerous lesions.
  3. Adenovirus Infections: Provides relief from adenovirus infections, commonly affecting the respiratory tract and eyes.

Benefits of Cidofovir Injection:

Explore the multifaceted benefits that make Cidofovir a cornerstone in antiviral therapy:

  1. Potent Antiviral Activity: Exhibits robust antiviral properties against a diverse array of DNA viruses, ensuring effective treatment outcomes.
  2. Long-Lasting Viral Suppression: Provides sustained viral suppression, helping prevent disease progression and recurrence.
  3. Broad Spectrum of Activity: Offers efficacy against multiple viral pathogens, making it a versatile option in the management of viral infections.

Side Effects of Cidofovir Injection:

While generally well-tolerated, Cidofovir may present some side effects, including:

  1. Nephrotoxicity: Rare instances of kidney damage may occur, necessitating close monitoring of renal function during treatment.
  2. Ocular Toxicity: May lead to ocular adverse effects such as uveitis and iritis, particularly in individuals receiving intraocular injections.
  3. Hematologic Abnormalities: Some patients may experience transient decreases in blood cell counts, including neutropenia and anemia.

Important Considerations:

Guidelines for the safe and effective use of Cidnavir Injection:

  1. Administration by Healthcare Professionals: Should be administered under the supervision of qualified healthcare providers experienced in antiviral therapy.
  2. Renal Function Monitoring: Regular monitoring of renal function is imperative to detect and manage nephrotoxicity promptly.
  3. Ocular Evaluation: Patients receiving intraocular injections should undergo regular ophthalmologic assessments to monitor for ocular adverse effects.

Empowering Antiviral Defense with Cidofovir Injection:

Embrace the potent antiviral capabilities of Cidofovir in combating a spectrum of viral infections. While it offers valuable benefits, it is crucial to follow medical advice, adhere to recommended dosages, and undergo necessary monitoring to ensure optimal treatment outcomes.


This information serves educational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. Consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance on the use of Cidofovir Injection.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Cidofovir Injection:

1. What is Cidofovir Injection used for?
Cidofovir is an antiviral medication prescribed to treat CMV (cytomegalovirus) retinitis, a serious eye infection that can cause vision loss in people with weakened immune systems, often due to HIV/AIDS.

2. How is Cidofovir Injection administered?
Cidofovir is administered by a healthcare professional through a slow intravenous (IV) infusion into a vein, typically for several hours. The dosage and treatment schedule will be determined by your doctor based on your individual needs.

3. What are the common side effects of Cidofovir Injection?
Cidofovir can cause some side effects, including:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever and chills
  • Kidney problems (increased urination, blood in urine)
  • Low blood count (can increase risk of infection, bleeding)
  • Eye pain, redness, or blurred vision

Inform your doctor if any of these side effects become severe or persistent.

4. Are there any serious side effects to be aware of?
Serious side effects, although uncommon, can occur. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience:

  • Severe allergic reactions (hives, wheezing, trouble breathing)
  • Seizures
  • Vision loss

5. Can I take Cidofovir Injection if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?
Cidofovir can cause severe birth defects. Women who are pregnant or may become pregnant should not use Cidofovir. Effective contraception is necessary during treatment. Cidofovir is also not recommended for breastfeeding mothers due to the risk of harming the infant.

6. Does Cidofovir Injection interact with other medications?
Yes, Cidofovir can interact with certain medications, potentially increasing the risk of side effects. Inform your doctor about all medications you are taking before receiving Cidnavir Injection.

7. Are there any medical conditions that prevent me from using Cidofovir Injection?
Cidofovir may not be suitable for everyone. Tell your doctor about any pre-existing medical conditions, especially kidney problems, a weakened immune system (other than HIV/AIDS), or a history of eye problems.

8. How should I store Cidofovir Injection?
Cidnavir Injection should be stored according to your doctor’s instructions, typically refrigerated and protected from light. Do not freeze Cidofovir.

9. What happens if I miss a dose of Cidofovir Injection?
Your doctor will create a specific treatment schedule. If you miss a dose, contact your doctor for guidance. Do not attempt to make up for a missed dose by taking extra medication.

10. Can I purchase Cidofovir Injection myself?
Cidofovir is a prescription medication and is not available for self-purchase. It is only administered by or under the supervision of a healthcare professional in a clinical setting.


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