Ulinafic Injection

Brand Name: Ulinafic Injection
Salt Name: Ulinastatin
Strength: 100000IU
Presentation: Injection
Marketer: Gufic Bioscience Ltd

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What is Ulinafic Injection?

Ulinafic emerges as a cutting-edge pharmaceutical solution, belonging to the category of antifibrinolytic agents. This specialized formulation is meticulously crafted to exert precise control over excessive bleeding during surgical procedures, providing an invaluable tool in modern medical practices.

What is the use of Ulinafic Injection?

The primary purpose of this Injection is to:

  1. Control Bleeding: Employed to manage and control excessive bleeding during surgical interventions, ensuring a more controlled and safer surgical environment.

Benefits of Ulinafic Injection:

Explore the distinctive advantages that position Ulinafic at the forefront of bleeding management:

  1. Hemostatic Precision: Exhibits exceptional hemostatic properties, effectively preventing and minimizing bleeding complications during various surgical procedures.
  2. Enhanced Surgical Visibility: Facilitates a clear and unobstructed surgical field, enabling surgeons to perform intricate procedures with enhanced visibility.
  3. Minimized Blood Loss: Plays a pivotal role in reducing blood loss, contributing to improved patient outcomes and faster recovery.

Side Effects of Ulinafic Injection:

While generally well-tolerated, this Injection may present some side effects in rare instances:

  1. Nausea or Vomiting: Some individuals may experience mild nausea or vomiting.
  2. Hypersensitivity Reactions: Rare cases of hypersensitivity reactions, such as skin rash or itching.

Important Considerations:

Guidelines for the safe and effective use of Ulinafic:

  1. Administration by Healthcare Professionals: Should be administered by qualified medical professionals in a controlled medical setting.
  2. Individualized Dosage: Dosage is tailored based on the patient’s weight, medical condition, and the nature of the surgical procedure.

Empowering Surgical Precision with Ulinafic Injection:

Embrace the precision and reliability that Ulinafic brings to surgical interventions. While it offers valuable benefits, it is crucial to follow medical advice, adhere to recommended dosages, and have it administered by qualified healthcare professionals.


This information serves educational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. Consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance on the use of Ulinafic.

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