Palbace 125mg Tablet

Brand Name: Palbace 125mg Tablet
Salt Composition: Palbociclib
Strength: 125mg Tablet
Manufacturer: Pfizer Ltd.

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What is Palbace 125mg Tablet?

Palbace 125mg Tablet is a prescription medication containing Palbociclib (also known as Ibrance), a targeted therapy used to treat certain types of estrogen receptor-positive (ER+), human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative (HER2-) advanced or metastatic breast cancer. It works by inhibiting the cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), important proteins that orchestrate cell division. By doing so, Palbace disrupts the uncontrolled growth and replication of cancer cells, slowing down tumor progression.

Searching for Palbace 100mg or Palbace 75mg Tablets?


Palbace 100mg e1692361059687 Brand Name: Palbace 100mg Tablet
Salt Composition: Palbociclib
Strength: 100mg Tablet
Manufacturer: Pfizer Ltd.


Palbace 75mgBrand Name: Palbace 75mg Tablet
Salt Composition: Palbociclib
Strength: 75mg Tablet
Manufacturer: Pfizer Ltd.


What is the use of Palbace 125mg Tablet?

  • Advanced or Metastatic Breast Cancer: Palbace is primarily used in combination with hormonal therapies (like letrozole or fulvestrant) to treat ER+, HER2- advanced or metastatic breast cancer in postmenopausal women.
  • Possible Applications in Earlier Stages: While primarily used in advanced stages, research suggests potential benefits of Palbace in earlier stages of ER+, HER2- breast cancer as well. Consult your doctor to understand if it might be suitable for your specific case.

Benefits of Palbace 125mg Tablet:

  • Targeted Therapy: Palbace specifically targets CDKs within cancer cells, minimizing effects on healthy cells and potentially leading to fewer side effects than traditional chemotherapy.
  • Improved Progression-Free Survival: Clinical studies have shown that Palbace, in combination with hormonal therapy, can significantly extend the time before the cancer worsens compared to hormonal therapy alone.
  • Enhanced Overall Survival: While not a cure, Palbace can contribute to improved overall survival rates for individuals with advanced or metastatic breast cancer.
  • Potential for Improved Quality of Life: By managing cancer progression and slowing tumor growth, Palbace can help maintain a better quality of life with fewer cancer-related symptoms.

Side Effects of Palbace 125mg Tablet:

  • Fatigue
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Hair loss
  • Mouth sores
  • Diarrhea
  • Low white blood cell count (increased risk of infections)
  • Muscle pain and weakness

It’s crucial to discuss these potential side effects with your doctor and report any concerns promptly.

Important Considerations:

  • Palbace is a prescription medication, and consulting your doctor is essential before starting treatment.
  • It can interact with other medications, so inform your doctor about your complete medication list.
  • It’s not suitable for everyone, especially pregnant or breastfeeding women or people with certain medical conditions.
Palbace: A beacon of hope in the fight against breast cancer.

While facing breast cancer can be daunting, Palbace offers a potent and targeted therapy option to manage its progression and potentially improve survival rates and quality of life. Remember, consult your doctor to determine if Palbace is right for you and follow their guidance for optimal results.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment.

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