Palbace 100mg Tablet

Brand Name: Palbace 100mg Tablet
Salt Composition: Palbociclib
Strength: 100mg Tablet
Manufacturer: Pfizer Ltd.

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What is Palbace 100mg Tablet?

Palbace 100mg Tablet contains Palbociclib, a medication belonging to the class of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitors. These targeted drugs work by blocking specific proteins required for cancer cell growth and division, essentially putting the brakes on cancer’s progression.

Palbace 100mg Tablets offer a targeted approach to treating specific types of breast cancer, empowering you to fight the disease with precision.Palbace 100mg Tablets offer a targeted approach to treating specific types of breast cancer, empowering you to fight the disease with precision.

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Palbace 125mg TabletBrand Name: Palbace 125mg Tablet
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Strength: 125mg Tablet
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Palbace 75mgBrand Name: Palbace 75mg Tablet
Salt Composition: Palbociclib
Strength: 75mg Tablet
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What is the use of Palbace 100mg Tablet?

Palbace is primarily used to treat hormone receptor-positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2)-negative advanced or metastatic breast cancer. This means it targets cancer cells that are fueled by estrogen and progesterone but lack the aggressive HER2 protein.

Benefits of Palbace 100mg Tablet:

  • Targeted Therapy: Palbace’s precision targeting minimizes harm to healthy cells, potentially causing fewer side effects compared to traditional chemotherapy.
  • Improved Progression-Free Survival: Studies have shown that Palbace, when combined with hormone therapy, can significantly delay the spread of cancer, allowing you to live longer without progression.
  • Enhanced Overall Survival: In some cases, Palbace has been shown to improve overall survival rates compared to standard hormone therapy alone.
  • Potential for Combination Therapy: Palbace can be effectively combined with other medications like letrozole or fulvestrant to amplify its effectiveness and target cancer from multiple angles.

Side Effects of Palbace 100mg Tablet:

Like any medication, Palbace can have side effects, though not everyone experiences them. Some common side effects include:

  • Fatigue
  • Low blood cell counts (anemia, neutropenia)
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Hair loss
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Mouth sores

It’s crucial to discuss these potential side effects with your doctor and report any concerns you may have during treatment.

Important Considerations:

  • Palbace is a prescription medication and requires close monitoring by your oncologist.
  • It can interact with other medications, so inform your doctor about your complete medication list.
  • It’s not suitable for everyone, especially pregnant or breastfeeding women or people with certain medical conditions.

Conquer Breast Cancer with Precision: Introducing Palbace 100mg Tablets

Palbace’s targeted approach offers a promising weapon in the fight against breast cancer. Remember, consulting your doctor is essential to determine if Palbace is right for you and to personalize your treatment plan for optimal results.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment.

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