Oxalimax 50mg Injection

Brand Name: Oxalimax
Salt Name: Oxaplatin
Manufacturer: GLS Pharma
Presentation: Injection
Strength: 50mg

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Unveiling the Potential of Oxalimax 50mg Injection


What is Oxalimax 50mg Injection?

Oxalimax 50mg Injection, a prominent pharmaceutical, holds the potent compound Oxaliplatin. This platinum-based antineoplastic agent stands as a beacon in combating various cancers, encompassing colon, rectal, and ovarian cancers. Its mechanism revolves around disrupting cancer cell DNA, effectively arresting their proliferation and growth.

Usage of Oxaplatin 50mg Injection:

Administered intravenously under professional healthcare supervision, the dosage regimen hinges upon the specific cancer type and individual patient factors.

Common Side Effects:

Typical reactions to Oxaplatin 50mg Injection encompass nausea, vomiting, fatigue, neuropathy (numbness or pain in extremities), hair loss, mouth sores, and reduced appetite. Serious outcomes may involve allergic reactions, kidney issues, hearing or vision problems, bone marrow suppression, and heightened infection risks.

Precautions and Interactions:

Patients with kidney, liver, heart, or nervous system ailments should cautiously approach Oxaplatin 50mg Injection. It interacts with medications such as live vaccines, blood thinners, antidepressants, and anticonvulsants, necessitating careful administration.

Storage and Specifics:

Oxaplatin Injection demands refrigerated storage between 2°C to 8°C (36°F to 46°F), avoiding freezing.

Empower your fight against cancer with Oxalimax 50mg Injection’s potent efficacy and meticulous care. Experience the difference with our superior pharmaceutical solutions.

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