Oncoflour 500mg Injection: Illuminating the Path to Brighter Wellness

Product Details:

Brand Name:- Oncoflour 500mg Injection
Manufacturer:- United Biotech Pharma
Presentation: Injection
Strength: 500 Mg

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Oncoflour 500mg Injection: Illuminating the Path to Brighter Wellness


What is Oncoflour 500mg Injection?
Oncoflour 500mg Injection, also known as Keppra Injection, stands as a potent antiepileptic medication designed to tackle seizures in epilepsy. Its main objective revolves around seizure prevention, provided it’s consistently administered as prescribed.

How can an Oncoflour 500mg Injection be used?
Administered through a slow vein drip under professional supervision, Oncoflour 500mg Injection is typically utilized for short-term seizure control, especially when oral medication isn’t viable, such as in unconscious patients. Strict adherence to the doctor’s instructions is vital for optimal results. Discontinuation or missed doses might exacerbate seizures. Post-injection treatment, oral medications are often prescribed for long-term seizure control.

Common Side effects:
Common side effects encompass dizziness, headaches, infections, nasal irritation, drowsiness, aggressive behavior, and reduced appetite. Initial days of treatment may intensify these effects, generally subsiding as the body adjusts. While most side effects don’t necessitate medical attention, allergic reactions or persistent skin rash demand immediate consultation. In rare cases, individuals have reported thoughts of self-harm or suicide; any worsening in mood should prompt contacting the doctor immediately.

Product Details:

  • Brand Name: Oncoflour 500mg Injection
  • Manufacturer: United Biotech Pharma
  • Presentation: Injection
  • Strength: 500 Mg

Enhancing Wellness, Elevating Lives Oncoflour 500mg Injection, under the brand name Oncoflour, embodies a commitment to illuminating wellness pathways for those combating seizures. Its efficacy in seizure control, when used in line with medical guidance, offers a beacon of hope for individuals seeking brighter health horizons.

With meticulous adherence to medical directives and vigilant monitoring of potential side effects, Oncoflour 500mg Injection aims to contribute to an improved quality of life for those managing epilepsy.

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