Revitalize Nails: Nailrox Nail Lacquer for Radiant Nail Health

Product Details:

  • Brand Name: Nailrox Nail Lacquer
  • Salt Name: Ciclopirox Olamine Topical Solution
  • Manufacturer: Intas Pharma
  • Presentation: Solution
  • Strength: 8% w/v

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Discover Nailrox Nail Lacquer for Nourished Nails and Skin


What is Nailrox Nail Lacquer?
This is an antifungal solution effective in treating skin and nail infections caused by fungi. Its mechanism involves inhibiting fungal growth, thereby effectively treating the infection.

Usage Instructions:
Designed for external use, it should be applied as prescribed by your doctor. The dosage and duration depend on your specific condition. Before application, ensure the affected area is clean and dry. Avoid contact with your mouth, eyes, or nose. In case of accidental contact, rinse thoroughly with water. Consistent use maximizes its benefits.

Common Side Effects:
Mild side effects like itching, burning, or stinging sensations at the application site may occur but often diminish over time. Should they persist or cause discomfort, consult your doctor.

Benefits of Nailrox Nail Lacquer:

  • For Fungal Skin Infections: Nailrox is effective against skin infections caused by fungi, providing relief from associated symptoms like pain and itching. Continual use, as directed, prevents recurrence and promotes healing, enhancing skin comfort.

Product Details:

  • Brand Name: Nailrox Nail Lacquer
  • Manufacturer: Intas Pharma
  • Presentation: Solution
  • Strength: 8% w/v

Nailrox Nail Lacquer aims to revitalize and restore nail and skin health by combating fungal infections, ensuring optimal healing and comfort.

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