Monit 10mg Tablet

Brand Name: Monit Tablet
Salt Name: Isosorbide Mononitrate
Manufacturer: Intas Pharma
Strength: 10mg

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Revitalize Heart Health: Monit 10mg Tablet for Vibrant Well-being


What is Monit Tablet IP 10 MG?

Monit Tablet IP 10 MG is prescribed to prevent angina, a type of chest pain associated with heart issues. It operates by relaxing and dilating blood vessels, facilitating smoother blood flow towards the heart. However, it is not effective in alleviating an ongoing angina attack.

How is Monit Tablet used?

Monit 10 Tablet can be taken regardless of food intake. The dosage and frequency are determined by your physician and might vary based on its efficacy. Continuity in consumption is vital, even if you feel better, as it aids in preventing future chest pains. Abruptly discontinuing it might heighten the risk of chest discomfort.

Common Side Effects:

Frequent side effects include headaches, flushing, upper respiratory tract infections, stomach discomfort, allergic reactions, chest pain, and diarrhea. If these persist or cause significant inconvenience, your doctor can offer strategies to manage them. Pain relievers, increased fluid intake, and refraining from alcohol consumption may help mitigate side effects.


Prior to commencing this medication, inform your doctor about low blood pressure, glaucoma, kidney ailments, or heart failure. Disclose all other medications you are taking, as interactions could occur, posing potential risks. Some medications may interact unfavorably with Monit, warranting caution.

This information provides a comprehensive overview of Monit 10mg Tablet. For precise dosing and medical advice, consult your healthcare provider.

Note: This content serves as general information and not a substitute for professional medical advice.

Additional Information:

Monit 10mg Tablet is a part of a class of medications called nitrates. It functions by widening blood vessels, enhancing blood flow, and decreasing the heart’s workload. Regular intake, as prescribed, is crucial to reap the full benefits and prevent chest pains associated with heart conditions.

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