Fosbait 500 Chewable Tablet

Product Name: Fosbait 500 Chewable Tablet
Salt Name: Lanthanum Carbonate 
Manufacturer: Panacea Biotec Ltd
Presentation: Tablet
Strength: 500 mg

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Fosbait 500 Chewable Tablet: Uses, Dosage, Side Effects


What is Fosbait 500 Tablet?
Fosbait 500 Tablet is a medication used to effectively lower elevated phosphate levels in the blood. It is specifically designed for individuals undergoing dialysis due to severe kidney disease. By inhibiting phosphate absorption from the digestive system, it aids in reducing phosphate levels in the bloodstream.

How to Use Fosbait 500 Tablet?
This enjoyable tablet should be taken with food, precisely as directed by your physician. To maximize its benefits, maintain a consistent schedule, taking it at the same time every day.

Common Side Effects and Precautions:
Possible side effects of Fosbait 500 Tablet include headaches, nausea, vomiting, stomach discomfort, constipation, and diarrhea. Should you experience any other unexpected effects while using this medication, promptly inform your doctor.

Precautions to Consider:
Fosbait 500mg Tablet should be administered cautiously in elderly patients aged 65 years or above. Consulting your doctor before starting this medication is recommended. Typical symptoms that may occur while taking Fosbait 500mg Tablet are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, headache, itching, and rash.

Additional Information:
It’s important to maintain adequate hydration while on Fosbait 500 Tablet. Furthermore, consult your healthcare provider for personalized guidance and any specific concerns regarding this medication.

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