Augplat 125mcg Injection

Brand Name: Augplat 125mcg
Salt Name: Romiplostin (r-DNA Origin)
Strength: 125mcg
Presentation: 125mcg/vial
Zydus Celexa

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What is Augplat 125mcg Injection?

Augplat 125mcg stands as a potent antimicrobial formulation, meticulously crafted to combat a spectrum of bacterial infections. Formulated with precision, it embodies the essence of advanced antibiotic therapy, ensuring effective management of various infectious conditions.

What is the use of Augplat 125mcg Injection?

Augplat 125mcg is strategically employed to:

  1. Treat Bacterial Infections: Acts as a powerful weapon against bacterial pathogens, addressing a diverse range of infections throughout the body.
  2. Prevent Infection: Administered prophylactically to prevent the occurrence of post-operative infections, particularly in surgical settings.

Benefits of Augplat 125mcg Injection:

Explore the multifaceted benefits that Augplat 125mcg brings to the realm of antimicrobial therapy:

  1. Broad-Spectrum Activity: Exhibits a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity, targeting both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial strains with precision.
  2. Rapid Onset of Action: Initiates a swift response against bacterial pathogens, ensuring timely eradication and resolution of infections.
  3. Enhanced Treatment Outcomes: Facilitates superior treatment outcomes by effectively eliminating bacterial infections and minimizing the risk of complications.

Side Effects of Augplat 125mcg Injection:

While generally well-tolerated, Augplat 125mcg may present some side effects in certain individuals:

  1. Gastrointestinal Disturbances: May cause nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea in some patients.
  2. Allergic Reactions: Rare instances of allergic reactions, such as rash or itching, may occur.
  3. Local Reactions: Injection site reactions, such as pain or redness, may manifest transiently post-administration.
Important Considerations:

Guidelines for the safe and effective use of Augplat 125mcg Injection:

  1. Professional Administration: Should be administered by qualified healthcare professionals in a controlled medical environment.
  2. Individualized Dosage: Dosage regimen is tailored based on the severity of the infection, patient’s age, and renal function.
Empowering Antimicrobial Therapy with Augplat 125mcg Injection:

Embrace the efficacy and reliability that Augplat 125mcg offers in combating bacterial infections. While it presents valuable benefits, adherence to medical guidance and close monitoring are imperative to ensure optimal treatment outcomes.


This information serves educational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. Consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance on the use of Augplat 125mcg Injection.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Augplat 125mcg Injection

1. What is Augplat 125mcg Injection used for?
Augplat 125mcg is a medication used to treat certain types of bacterial infections. It belongs to a class of drugs called cephalosporins that work by stopping the growth of bacteria.

2. How is Augplat 125mg Injection administered?
Augplat 125mcg Injection is given by a healthcare professional through intravenous (IV) injection into a vein. The dosage and duration of treatment will be determined by your doctor based on the severity of your infection and your response to the medication.

3. What are the common side effects of Augplat 125mcg Injection?
Some common side effects include injection site pain, redness, or swelling, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, and dizziness. Inform your doctor if any of these side effects worsen or persist.

4. Are there any serious side effects to be aware of?
Serious side effects are uncommon, but can include allergic reactions (hives, wheezing, trouble breathing), severe diarrhea with blood or mucus, seizures, or kidney problems. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of these.

5. Can I take Augplat 125mcg Injection if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?
Consult your doctor before using Augplat 125mcg if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. They will weigh the potential benefits and risks to determine if this medication is suitable for you.

6. Does Augplat 125mcg Injection interact with other medications?
Yes, Augplat 125mcg can interact with certain other medications, including blood thinners, diuretics, and other antibiotics. Tell your doctor about all medications you are taking before starting Augplat 125mcg.

7. Are there any medical conditions that prevent me from using Augplat 125mcg Injection?
Augplat 125mcg may not be suitable for everyone. Inform your doctor about any pre-existing medical conditions, especially kidney problems, allergies to cephalosporin antibiotics, or a history of seizures.

8. How should I store Augplat 125mcg Injection?
This medication should be stored according to your pharmacist’s instructions, typically at room temperature and protected from light and moisture. Do not freeze Augplat 125mcg.

9. What happens if I miss a dose of Augplat 125mcg Injection?
If you miss a dose of Augplat 125mcg, contact your doctor for further instructions. Do not take a double dose to compensate for the missed one.

10. Can I purchase Augplat 125mcg Injection myself?
Augplat 125mcg is a prescription medication and is not available for self-purchase. It is only administered by or under the supervision of a healthcare professional.

Disclaimer: This information is intended for general informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult with your doctor before using Augplat 125mcg Injection or any other medication.


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