Repatha 140mg Injection

Brand Name: Repatha
Salt Name: Evolocumab
Manufacturer: Amgen Manufacturing LTD
Presentation: Prefilled AutoInjector 1 ML (Cold Chain)
Strength: 140mg/1Ml

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Protect Your Heart: Repatha 140mg Tablets


Overview: Repatha 140mg Injection is a groundbreaking medication designed to significantly reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, or the need for heart surgery. This prescription is specifically recommended for adults facing high cholesterol levels, with the primary objective of lowering low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in individuals with certain types of high cholesterol.

Usage: Repatha 140mg Injection is endorsed for diminishing the risk of coronary failure or stroke and reducing the necessity for specific heart procedures in adults with coronary illness. The recommended subcutaneous dose of Repatha is 140 mg through regular intervals, administered via injection.

Common Side Effects: Clinical trials for Repatha do not provide explicit details on the duration of its side effects. Typically, side effects align with the drug’s presence in the body, diminishing as the medication metabolizes. Vigilance and consultation with a healthcare professional are recommended for managing any potential side effects.

Precautions: For adults with established cardiovascular disease or primary hyperlipidemia (including Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia [HeFH]), the suggested subcutaneous dosage of Repatha is either 140 mg every two weeks or 420 mg once monthly. The dosing frequency and injection preference are based on patient inclination.

Product Specifications:

  • Brand Name: Repatha
  • Manufacturer: Amgen Manufacturing LTD
  • Presentation: Prefilled AutoInjector 1 ML (Cold Chain)
  • Strength: 140mg/1Ml

Ensure that you consult your healthcare provider for personalized advice and dosing recommendations. Repatha stands as a beacon of hope in the battle against high cholesterol, offering a targeted approach to enhance cardiovascular health.

For more information consult with your healthcare professional.

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