Hertab 250mg Tablets

Product Name: Hertab 250mg Tablets
Salt Name: Lapatinib 250mg Tablets
Strength: 250mg
Manufacturer: Hetero
Presentation: 1×30 Tablets

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What is Hertab 250mg?

Hertab 250mg Tablets contain the active ingredient Lapatinib, which is a targeted cancer therapy. Lapatinib is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor that works by blocking specific proteins involved in the growth and spread of cancer cells, particularly HER2-positive breast cancer cells.

What is the Use of Hertab 250mg?

Hertab 250 Tablets are primarily used for the treatment of:

  • HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer: This medication is often prescribed for patients whose cancer has spread beyond the breast and is HER2-positive.
  • In combination with other treatments: Hertab 250mg is frequently used in conjunction with other cancer treatments, such as capecitabine or letrozole, to enhance its effectiveness.

Benefits of Hertab 250mg:

  • Targeted Therapy: Hertab 250mg specifically targets and inhibits the proteins that promote the growth of HER2-positive cancer cells, leading to more effective treatment outcomes.
  • Combination Efficacy: When used with other cancer treatments, Hertab 250mg can improve the overall effectiveness of the therapy regimen.
  • Delay Progression: Helps in delaying the progression of advanced breast cancer, offering patients a better quality of life.
  • Oral Administration: Convenient oral tablet form, making it easier for patients to adhere to their treatment schedule.

Side Effects of Hertab 250mg:

While Hertab 250mg Tablets can be highly effective, they may also cause some side effects. Common side effects include:

  • Diarrhea: One of the most common side effects, which can range from mild to severe.
  • Nausea and Vomiting: Gastrointestinal discomfort is common but can usually be managed with supportive care.
  • Fatigue: Patients may experience tiredness and general weakness.
  • Rash: Skin reactions, including rash and dryness, are possible.
  • Liver Function Changes: Regular monitoring of liver function is recommended as Lapatinib can affect liver enzymes.
  • Hand-Foot Syndrome: Redness, swelling, and pain on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.
Important Considerations:
  • Prescription Medication: Hertab 250 Tablets require a doctor’s prescription and should be taken under medical supervision.
  • Not Suitable for Everyone: Patients with liver issues, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and those with certain allergies should inform their healthcare provider before starting the medication.
  • Drug Interactions: It’s crucial to inform your doctor about all medications you are taking to avoid potential interactions.
  • Regular Monitoring: Patients should have regular check-ups, including liver function tests and assessments of their overall health, while on Hertab 250mg.

Hertab 250mg Tablets, containing Lapatinib, offer a potent targeted therapy option for patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer. By inhibiting specific proteins that promote cancer cell growth, Hertab 250mg helps in delaying disease progression and improving patient outcomes. However, like any medication, it is essential to use Hertab 250mg under the guidance of a healthcare professional to manage side effects and ensure the best possible results.

Disclaimer: This product description is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Hertab 250mg Tablets

1. What is Hertab 250mg Tablets used for?
Hertab Tablet is used in the treatment of breast cancer. It works by stopping or slowing down the growth of cancer cells. It is either used alone or in combination with some other medicine to cure advanced-stage breast cancer.

2. How do I take Hertab 250mg Tablets?
Follow your doctor’s instructions exactly regarding dosage and frequency. Take this medicine at least 1 hour before or after taking the food. Swallow the tablet and do not crush, open, or dissolve them. Swallow the tablets whole with a glass of water.

3. What are the common side effects of Hertab 250mg Tablets?
The most common side effect of Hertab 250mg Tablet is Diarrhea. To prevent dehydration, consume lots of liquids, such as water or juice. If it is serious, consult your doctor right away.

4. Are there any serious side effects to be aware of?
While uncommon, more serious side effects can occur. Seek medical attention immediately if you experience [list serious side effects, e.g., hallucinations, seizures, severe allergic reactions].

5. Can I take Hertab 250mg Tablets if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?
Consult your doctor before using Hertab 250mg Tablets if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, as they can advise on the potential risks and benefits.

6. Does Hertab 250mg Tablets interact with other medications?
Yes, Hertab can interact with certain other medications. Inform your doctor about all other medications you are taking before starting Hertab 250mg Tablets.

7. Are there any medical conditions that prevent me from using Hertab 250mg Tablets?
Hertab may not be suitable for everyone. Tell your doctor about any pre-existing medical conditions, especially liver or kidney problems.

8. How should I store Hertab 250mg Tablets?
Store Hertab 250mg Tablets as directed by your doctor, typically at room temperature and protected from light and moisture. Do not store Hertab in the bathroom or anywhere it could get damp.

9. What happens if I miss a dose of Hertab 250mg Tablets?
Take the missed dose as soon as you remember, but don’t take a double dose. If you are unsure what to do, consult your doctor.

10. Can I purchase Hertab 250mg Tablets without a prescription?
Hertab 250mg Tablets are likely a prescription medication and may not be available for purchase without a doctor’s authorization.


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