Evista 60mg: Strong Bones, Strong You | Affordable Prescription Medication

Salt Name: Raloxifene hydrochloride
Brand name: Evista
Manufacturer: Eli Lilly and Company

Vista 60mg is an affordable prescription medication that can help you keep your bones strong and reduce your risk of osteoporosis and breast cancer. Get the power of Evista 60mg today and start living your best, strongest life.

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Evista 60mg: Strong Bones, Strong You | Affordable Prescription Medication


How to use:

  • Take one Evista 60mg tablet by mouth once daily, with or without food.
  • Do not take more than one tablet per day.


  • Evista is used to treat and prevent osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.
  • It is also used to reduce the risk of invasive breast cancer in postmenopausal women who have osteoporosis or who are otherwise at high risk for invasive breast cancer.

Side effects:

The most common side effects of Evista are:

Less common side effects of Evista include:

Other important information:

  • Evista should not be taken by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • It should also not be taken by women who have had a blood clot or stroke, or who have liver disease.

If you are considering taking Evista, it is important to talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits.

Additional information:

  • Evista is available in tablet form in 60mg and 120mg strengths.
  • It is typically prescribed for long-term use.
  • Evista is a prescription medication, so you will need to see a doctor to get a prescription.


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