Enterogermina Oral Suspension

Brand Name: Enterogermina Oral Suspension
Manufacturer: Sanofi
Presentation: Suspension

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Discover the Wellness of Enterogermina Oral Suspension

Key Benefits and Uses of Enterogermina Oral Suspension:

This effectively treats diarrhea in both children and adults. It’s a probiotic that restores bacterial balance in the gut, promoting digestive well-being. Its unique formulation withstands exposure to stomach acid, ensuring safe passage through the stomach without harm. With Bacillus Clausii and four exceptional strains, it addresses avitaminosis by aiding in nutrient production. Clinically proven, it begins supporting gut health from day one of use. Available in tablet form for oral consumption as well.

Use as directed by your doctor. Generally, adults may consume 2 to 3 mini bottles a day, while children may require 1 to 2 mini bottles daily. Shake the mini bottle before use. To open it, twist the upper part and detach it from the seal. Consume the entire content directly or dilute it in water, milk, tea, or orange juice. Consume the medicine promptly after opening to prevent contamination.

– Avoid if allergic to its components or closely associated substances.
– During antibiotic treatment, administer Enterogermina Oral Suspension between antibiotic doses.
– The visible particles in the mini bottles are Bacillus Clausii spores, indicating no alteration in the product.
– Administer it carefully to maximize its beneficial effects and complete the daily dose for optimal results.
– Pregnant, trying to conceive, or breastfeeding women should seek advice from their doctor before consuming this medication.

Side Effects of Enterogermina Oral Suspension:
It typically causes no side effects when taken as prescribed. However, in some cases, hypersensitivity reactions like skin rash and urticaria have been reported. Adhering to recommended doses is advisable to prevent side effects.

Storage and Safety Information:
– Adhere to the recommended dose.
– Read the label carefully before use.
– Keep away from children’s reach and sight.
– Store in a cool, dry, and dark place, shielded from direct sunlight.

Enterogermina Oral Suspension assures gut health restoration, effectively treating diarrhea, and promoting overall wellness.

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