Bactigras Dressing

  • Sterile open-weave gauze
  • Has antiseptic components
  • Base is made of soft paraffin
  • Prevents infections
  • Safe for use

Marketer: Smith & Nephew Pvt Ltd
Sizes: 10cm x 10cm & 10cm x 30cm
Presentation: Bandages

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What is Bactigras Dressing?

Bactigras Gauze Dressing stands as a sterile, medicated gauze dressing infused with chlorhexidine acetate. Designed to provide optimal wound management, it aids in the prevention of infection and promotes healing.

What is the use of Bactigras Dressing?

This specialized dressing serves various wound care purposes, including:

  1. Infection Prevention: Its antimicrobial properties help prevent and manage infections in wounds.
  2. Wound Healing: Facilitates a conducive environment for wound healing by keeping the wound area clean and protected.
  3. Minimization of Wound Odor: Helps reduce foul odor associated with infected wounds, promoting patient comfort and well-being.

Benefits of Bactigras Dressing:

Discover the distinctive advantages of utilizing Bactigras Gauze Dressing for wound care:

  1. Antimicrobial Action: Infused with chlorhexidine acetate, it effectively combats a wide range of bacteria, reducing the risk of wound infections.
  2. Non-Adherent: Its non-adherent nature prevents the dressing from sticking to the wound bed, minimizing trauma during dressing changes.
  3. Maintains Moist Wound Environment: Facilitates moist wound healing, known to promote faster and more efficient healing outcomes.

Side Effects of Bactigras Dressing:

While generally well-tolerated, some individuals may experience:

  1. Skin Irritation: Rare cases of skin irritation or allergic reactions may occur at the application site.
  2. Delayed Healing: In some instances, prolonged use of the dressing may delay wound healing due to excessive moisture retention.

Important Considerations: Guidelines for safe and effective utilization of Bactigras Gauze Dressing:

  1. Consult Healthcare Professional: Seek advice from a healthcare provider for proper wound assessment and dressing selection.
  2. Change Regularly: Follow the recommended dressing change frequency to maintain optimal wound care.
  3. Monitor for Adverse Reactions: Keep a close watch for any signs of skin irritation or allergic reactions during dressing application.
Empower Wound Healing with Bactigras Dressing:

Experience the superior wound care benefits of Bactigras Gauze Dressing, tailored to promote infection prevention and facilitate optimal wound healing. With its antimicrobial action and non-adherent properties, it stands as a reliable choice for comprehensive wound management.

Disclaimer: This information serves educational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. Consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance on wound care and dressing selection.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Bactigras Dressing

1. What is Bactigras Dressing used for?
Bactigras Gauze Dressing is a topical medication used to treat and prevent minor wounds and burns. The dressing creates a moist healing environment and contains an antibacterial ingredient to help reduce the risk of infection.

2. How is Bactigras Dressing applied?
Clean and dry the wound thoroughly.

  1. Remove the protective film from the dressing and apply it directly to the wound.
  2. Secure the dressing with tape or a bandage as directed.

3. How often should I change a Bactigras Dressing?
Your doctor will advise on how often to change the dressing, typically daily or every other day.

4. Can Bactigras Dressing be used on all types of wounds?
No, Bactigras Gauze Dressing is not suitable for all wounds. Consult your doctor if you have deep wounds, puncture wounds, animal bites, or burns that are severe or cover a large area.

5. Are there any side effects to using Bactigras Dressing?
Some people may experience mild stinging or burning upon initial application. If you experience any worsening pain, redness, swelling, or itching around the wound, consult your doctor.

6. Can I use Bactigras Dressing if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?
Bactigras Gauze Dressing is generally considered safe for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, it’s always best to consult your doctor before using any medication during these times.

7. Can I use Bactigras Dressing with other medications?
Inform your doctor about any other topical medications you are using before applying Bactigras Gauze Dressing to avoid potential interactions.

8. How long should I use Bactigras Dressing for?
Follow your doctor’s instructions on the duration of treatment. Generally, Bactigras Gauze Dressing is used for a few days up to two weeks.

9. What should I do if the dressing sticks to the wound?
If the dressing sticks to the wound, moisten it with sterile saline solution before gently peeling it off. Do not pull forcefully on the dressing, as this could damage the wound.

10. Can I purchase Bactigras Dressing over-the-counter?
Availability may vary depending on your region. Bactigras Gauze Dressing may be available over-the-counter in some areas, while others may require a prescription.


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