Adrenaline Bitartrate Injection

Brand Name: ADR
Salt Name: Adrenaline Bitartrate Injection
Manufacturer: American Remedies
Presentation: Injection
Strength: 1ml

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What is Adrenaline Bitartrate Injection?

Adrenaline Bitartrate Injection, an Immediate Acting Sympathomimetic Specialist, is a potent medication containing Epinephrine. This chemical is crucial for addressing severe hypersensitivity reactions to drugs and allergens, providing rapid relief. Additionally, it plays a vital role in emergency treatment for anaphylactic shock.

Usage of Adrenaline Bitartrate:

Adrenaline Bitartrate Injection I.P., with its primary component Epinephrine, serves diverse medical purposes. It proves effective in managing conditions such as low pulse, heart failure, asthma, and severe allergic reactions. Moreover, this medication is employed for pupil dilation during eye surgery.

Common Side Effects of Adrenaline Bitartrate:

This medication may elicit major and minor side effects, including:

  • Elevated heart rate
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Blurred vision
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Mood or mental changes
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Loss of appetite


It is crucial to avoid injecting this medication into hands or feet, as the limited blood flow in these areas could exacerbate tissue damage. In case of accidental injection, consult a doctor or seek immediate medical attention.

Brand Information:

  • Brand Name: Adrenaline Bitartrate Injection
  • Manufacturer: American Remedies
  • Presentation: Injection
  • Strength: 1ml

Additional Information for Patients:

To enhance patient understanding, it’s important to note that Adrenaline Bitartrate Injection is often used in emergency situations, providing swift relief from severe allergic reactions. Patients should be aware of the potential side effects and promptly report any concerns to their healthcare provider.

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